Word of the Day
Bon mot (n., BAN mo)
A quick, witty remark. Of course it's from French. If it was from German, it wouldn't be two words, just one gigantic, precise, and unpronounceable word.
A quick, witty remark. Of course it's from French. If it was from German, it wouldn't be two words, just one gigantic, precise, and unpronounceable word.
It is a deep shame that Peter Jackson's They Shall Not Grow Old is only in select US theaters for two days. One of them is today. You should go.
Jackson is a WWI aficianado. He had an uncle who fought in World War I, and he's described this project as trying to understand his relative better. To do this, he took old footage from the war and restored nearly every part of it he could. The frames were stabilized. The frame rate was adjusted until it looked normal. Grain was removed. Color was restored. And then, over top of all of it, Jackson added in sounds and voices that would've been in the shots. The result is something that feels vivid and real.
I'm not going to be able to see They Shall Not Grow Old on screen, which is annoying. But if I can encourage you: go. There aren't many chances to step back into history in this kind of way. Even the Titanic walkthrough we posted a couple weeks ago is more of a recreation than an actual glimpse into the past. Go learn about a moment in time and think about how it affects today. Think about how the technology of today allows the moment to come alive for us. And stop to take in what's on screen itself.
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