The Dailies

Word of the Day

Avid (adj., AAH-vid)

Having a strong interest in or for something. It doesn't mean being a full nerd, but more like having a hunger and curiosity for something. All nerds are avid, but not all who are avid are nerds.

Gif of the Day

TagsMasksBananaJinminWeird restaurantsThere's always money in the banana standTime to split?

Link of the Day

2019 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team

Minnesota, hockey-crazed state that it is, has a huge statewide high school tournament every year. For the last ten years (!), Game On! Minnesota has done a half-serious list of the best hair styles from the tournament. It's right up our alley, charming, avid, and delightfully weird:

If that is the last time they do the video, it was a good way to go out. Also, you will never look at salad the same way again.

TagsVideoHockeyHairMinnesotaPeople who are better than youFeathered and furious?