The Dailies

Word of the Day

Nadir (n., NAY-durr)

The lowest point, when all hope seems lost and an individual or group is about to despair. Does not necessarily involve the activist/former presidential candidate or the former TV company, though both have had their share of them.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsPenguinSlipIce is slippery, yoYou come at the king, you best not missKick save and a beauty?

Link of the Day

Optical illusion at the Louvre's courtyard by JR

An artist who goes by JR has created an optical illusion installation at the Louvre, transforming the courtyard into a "transparent" glimpse into what's undeneath:

This isn't the first time JR has done an optical illusion installation at the Louvre. His website has a hit about why he's done these pieces:

The images, like life, are ephemeral. Once pasted, the art piece lives on its own. The sun dries the light glue and with every step, people tear pieces of the fragile paper. The process is all about participation of volunteers, visitors, and souvenir catchers. This project is also about presence and absence, about reality and memories, about impermanence.

You can see more of this illustion at Colossal or more from JR at his website.

TagsInstallationsIllusions, MichaelThe LouvreAs above, so belowDown the back, but whatever, still the LouvreWho shot JR's photos?