The Dailies

Word of the Day

Enervate (v./adj., EN-er-vate)

To weaken, tire, or take something's strength, or the state of being tired. It can be used in conjunction with a Case of the Mondays. It does not mean the same thing as energize, so don't go buying the knockoff batteries with "enervator" on the side.

Gif of the Day

TagsDeerEar flapIllusions, MichaelUnorthodox fly swattersNatureThe better to swat you with, my deer?

Link of the Day

Art from domesticated root systems by Diana Scherer

Diana Scherer of Amsterdam makes art from plant root systems. She "trains" roots to grow into patterns using underground templates, to stunning results:

You can see more of Scherer's work over at Colossal or at her website.

TagsArtRootsDiana SchererPatternsCells, interlinkedOrder out of chaos?