Word of the Day
Absquatulate (v., ab-SKWATCH-you-late)
To leave in a hurry, like the rabbit in Through the Looking Glass or someone who sees an opening in a conversation after ten minutes of listening.
To leave in a hurry, like the rabbit in Through the Looking Glass or someone who sees an opening in a conversation after ten minutes of listening.
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When Ken Imhoff saw Cannonball Run, he fell in love with the Lamborghini Countach featured in the film. In 1990, he started work on building one from scratch in his basement. The build took seventeen years and a breakout of the wall, and he did an excellent job:
You can see more of Imhoff's Countach story on Boredom Therapy.
PhotographyCarsKen ImhoffLamboThe long, hard, stupid wayBenefits the Palm Beach Golf and Tennis Resort?