The Dailies

Word of the Day

Misanthropy (n., miss-ANN-throw-pea)

A hatred or mistrust of humanity. This isn't garden variety needing your quiet time, this is "make quiet time a permanent state of being for me."

Gif of the Day

TagsBirdsCockatoosAww yeahIn the moodFoghorn Leghorn impressionNeck exercises?

Link of the Day

APOD: A triangular shadow of a large volcano

This photo is from the Canary Islands, and, according to Astronomy Photo of the Day, it's not that uncommon to see a triangular shadow from a volcano. This is quite a photo, though. The shadow, the colors, the composition, the moon...excellent. Booking flights to Tenerife now.

TagsPhotoShadowPyramidsCratersShadow of impending doomTweetable photos?