The Dailies

Word of the Day

Telluric (adj., teh-LOOR-ick)

Relating to the earth, especially something near the earth's surface. Often used in relation to an electric current that flows near the surface, but does not refer to the feeling of being at the Telluride music festival.

Gif of the Day

TagsDogsTailNom nom nomYeah, you crazyThe dog who caught his tailDon't bite th tail that feeds you?

Link of the Day

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge makes a perfect circle with its reflection in the water

The Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge in Gablenz, Germany, was built in the 1800s using local stone, but its most interesting feature is the way it forms a perfect circle with the water. This was intentional. The bridge was built this way, making it a terrific photo stop. Due to its age, the structure is not safe to cross, but you can see it at Kromlauer Park:

TagsBridgesReflectionGermanyCirclesThe long, hard, stupid wayThirteenth Step?