Word of the Day
Reinstitute (v., ree-INN-stih-TOOT)
To introduce or establish again. Welcome, classes!
To introduce or establish again. Welcome, classes!
EconTalk is one of the OG podcasts, having been exploring the world through good weekly conversations since 2007 (!). I've gone in and out of EconTalk; I was burned out on econ after college and found the discussions a little too esoteric for me. However, in recent years, I've noticed Roberts shifting from pure economic concepts to more decision-making concepts, applied theory, and sociological institutions. This is a welcome change for me. Roberts is a great, generous interviewer and a good thinker, and discussions about things like urban planning and crime are excellent.
Yesterday, Roberts dropped a bit of a shocker: "David Denner on Leadership, Confidence, and Humility." Unlike other guests, Denner isn't a thinker. He's a fan of the show. And, after attending a lecture and asking Roberts a question that neither was entirely satisfied with, he emailed Roberts with a fuller question—which ended up freaking Roberts out in a good way. Denner put his finger on a key point: do people want humility (and even vulnerability) from their leaders or do they want confidence? What is a leader's responsibility? And, as the two discuss, everyone is a leader in some sense. What does this mean for our interactions with children, spouses, friends, etc.?
It's a fascinating, gentlemanly but profound discussion. Kudos to Denner for restating the question in a perfect way and kudos to Roberts for having a fan on. As for you, readers, go listen to the discussion.
PodcastsInterviewEconTalkRuss RobertsLeadershipFailure is not an option?