The Dailies

Word of the Day

Mitigate (v., MITT-ih-gate)

To make less severe and alleviate or to take actions so that something won't have as bad of an impact. Reactive measure, proactive measure.

Gif of the Day

TagsKittensWater balloonZoom inImmediate regretPoor life decisionsBad luck for black cat?

Link of the Day

Spenser Little's bent wire portraits

Spenser Little travels with roughly the same materials as a lineman: wire and pliers. Using his needle-nose pliers, he bends (usually one) wire into an interesting piece. His figures are often whimsical but also pointed; critique of technology and society are there too. And they're incredibly well done, to boot:

You can see more of Little's work by following him on Instagram.

TagsArtWireTwisting and turningArt imitating lifeYou never held it at the right angleSpenser's Gifts?