The Dailies

Word of the Day

Vulgate (n., vul-gate)

The common speech or vernacular. The word comes from the same root as vulgar, because common folk are indeed vulgar creatures. You, fine reader, are not. You are an astute person of taste.

Gif of the Day

There's more of these 3D-printed zeotrope scultures at Colossal, as well as instructions about how to make your own.

Tags Looping gifs3D PrintingZeotropesRejected Windows 95 screen saver ideas

Link of the Day

A dance on the side of City Hall

"Dancing is poetry with arms and legs," wrote Charles Baudelaire. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in Amelia Rudolph and Roel Seeber's dance on the side of the Oakland City Hall thousands of feet above the ground.

Tags ArtVideoDanceGoProMidair gymnasticsYay internet!