The Dailies

Word of the Day

Clad (v., KLAD)

To sheathe, often with metal, or to cover with a protective layer, or a ye olden time-y way of saying "dressed." Now, someone could be clad with metal, but the last time anyone did that, it was the lowest moment in Shaquille O'Neal's life.

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsDogTreadmillMad upsWhat is he trying to eat?Unintended uses

Link of the Day

To fall in love with anyone, do this

Over twenty years ago, Dr. Arthur Aron conducted a study where two participants met in a lab and answered a series of questions that were designed to make them fall in love. Six months later, the couple was married. More recently, Mandy Len Catron tried it and wrote about the experience:

We all have a narrative of ourselves that we offer up to strangers and acquaintances, but Dr. Aron’s questions make it impossible to rely on that narrative. Ours was the kind of accelerated intimacy I remembered from summer camp, staying up all night with a new friend, exchanging the details of our short lives. At 13, away from home for the first time, it felt natural to get to know someone quickly. But rarely does adult life present us with such circumstances.

No spoilers, which means that you'll have to read Catron's article to discover what happens and some of the thoughts that arose from this activity, but here's a morsel to whet your appetite:

I wondered what would come of our interaction. If nothing else, I thought it would make a good story. But I see now that the story isn’t about us; it’s about what it means to bother to know someone, which is really a story about what it means to be known.
Tags ArticlesNew York TimesLoveHappy Valentine's DayThe fear of being understoodThe belief that, oh yes, somehow we could

Happy Friday

Cornell Teddy Bear Toss Fail

May your weekend gift-giving go better than the Cornell Hockey's Teddy Bear Toss: