The Dailies

Word of the Day

Boondoggle (n./v., BOON-dog-gull)

A project that is unnecessary and/or wasteful. The Big Dig. The FoxTrax puck. Anything on Kickstarter. Spending money on 3D movie tickets. Xanadu (the New Jersey one). The expeditions to the New World. A business retreat. The Joint Strike Fighter program. The Bridge to Nowhere.

Gif of the Day

This gif has been around for a while. I've heard a rumor that it is from "an Italian Spider-Man movie" from the 1970s but I have no idea if that's true and no way to determine what it's actually from. Any guesses?

Tags DoorsShock, maybeHorror, possiblySurprise, perhapsBad acting, definitely70's shirts

Link of the Day

The Underground Ant City

Researchers found an ant colony. They decided to pour concrete into it and then brush the dirt away so they could see how deep the colony went. It took much more concrete than they expected.

Tags VideoAnimalsAntsUnderground citiesBoondoggles, to someExcavations

Happy Friday

Germans Who Say Nice Things

From the short-lived, weird, oddly good Dana Carvey Show—featuring a young Steve Carell. And happy birthday, Hendrik!