The Dailies

Word of the Day

Spurn (v., SPURRRN)

To reject with disdain and contempt, like Dikembe Mutumbo blocking a shot.

Gif of the Day

Tags Working all night and dayGeometric shapesActive mouse fingersEvening and morning

Link of the Day

The Bowling Game That Nearly Killed Bill Fong

In bowling, a 300 (apparently) isn't all that special. There's a 300 rolled each night in America, on average. But *three* perfect games in a row—a perfect set of 900? That's impressive. Only twenty-one people have ever rolled a perfect set.

Bill Fong rolled a 899. If he rolled a 900, it might have killed him.

Fong turned and walked to his right. He was empty. Blank.

His friends, the ones who were prepared seconds ago to tackle him in celebration, grabbed him and held him still. As he stood there, Fong wanted to say something—anything—but he couldn’t make a sound.

This is an amazing story, and props to Michael Mooney and D Magazine for telling it so well. Enjoy!

Tags SportsBowlingNear perfectionSerious medical conditionsEverything's bigger in Texas