The Dailies

Word of the Day

Vinculum (n., VING-cue-lumb)

A bond or connection. It can indicate that two or more algebraic terms should be treated as a single term or it can refer to a ligament-like structure. It's a cool word, but saying "vinculums that bind" is a mouthful, which is why it probably never caught on.

Gif of the Day

Tags Bill MurrayConfusionBlinkingI see.Is that Sean Connery in the background?

Link of the Day

The Machine That Refreshes Railroads

Our rail lines have been in place for a long, long time and carry lots of people and things each day. It's imperative they stay in good condition. This, of course, is easier said than done; how do you make sure a railroad line isn't too rusty without removing it?

To channel my inner Perd Hapley, the answer is: you do. And it's not John Henry that does it. This giant machine lifts the old rail lines, places new blocks, fills in the gravel, and attaches new rail lines to it—all while moving.

Tags RailroadsTravelConstructionBig machinesInfrastructureThe things behind the things