The Dailies

Word of the Day

Panjandrum (n., pan-JAN-drum)

An important person or someone who believes they are important. And just a fun word to say. Don't be a panjandrum, kids.

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsDogCorgiA ball!Oh boy oh boy oh boyThrow the ballToo much coffee

Link of the Day

How to make a soda can into a popcorn machine

Instructables has a cool article that shows how to make a soda can into a mini popcorn maker:

2. Mark a "window" in the top of the can with a pencil. Cut it like a door.
3. Add 3 tsp of kernels, salt, and flavor, then close the hole on the top.

Tags Weekend projectsPopcornSoda cansAluminum or Ah-loo-min-ee-yum?Things that can be smuggled into movies