Word of the Day
Approbation (n., app-pro-BAY-shun)
An official approval or praise. Useful in Jeopardy categories like "Crossword Clues (A)", "Repeated Letters", and "'App'ealing Questions."
An official approval or praise. Useful in Jeopardy categories like "Crossword Clues (A)", "Repeated Letters", and "'App'ealing Questions."
SportsHockeyHave a nice tripWall-to-center ice carpetingFaceplantsThe state of Toronto hockey
Ok, this is a cool weekend project. Instructables has instructions for how to build a coffee table with compasses and coasters with magnets. It may sound complicated but it's really simple and cool in action:
Weekend projectsCompassesTablesCoffeeWhich way is north?Impractical wayfinding devices
Waow, someone compiled all the times that Owen Wilson has said "Waow" on film.
May we suggest pairing this with Tom Hiddleston's Loki-as-Owen Wilson impression?