The Dailies

Word of the Day

Polyglot (n./adj., POLL-ee-glouht/PAAHL-ee-glaaht in Boston)

Someone who speaks more than one language, or something that consists of more than one language. Ordering drinks at Starbucks does not make you a polyglot, even though the drinks have Fritalian names.

Gif of the Day

Tags FireworksShot overPure terrorNight skiesDelayed reactions

Link of the Day

Whose Line Is It Anyway - Scenes From A Hat

Some fodder for your long weekend. Here's a couple long compilations of "Scenes From A Hat" from Whose Line Is It Anyway:

Note: although Whose Line... is/was pretty tame, some bits may not be 100% kid-friendly.

First, there's a very, very good collection (which I unfortunately can't embed here).

TVWhose Line Is It AnywayScenes from a hatImprovEarly-00s fashionVideosSave for laterSong and dance and general tomfoolery