The Dailies

Word of the Day

Baffle (n./v., BAFF-full)

To completely confuse or bewilder, or to restrain a fluid or sound. Baffles are often put on theater walls to dampen ambient noises. Quiet, peons! Important people are speaking. Do not bewilder them with your chatter.

Gif of the Day

Tags TrampolinesSpin kicksDouble LutzesBreaking thingsDon't try this at home5.3 from the Russian judgeFuture Jean-Claude Van Dammes

Link of the Day

2 Kinds of People

As simple as it sounds. 2 Kinds of People illustrates differences in people:

ArtTumblrsSo You KnowDifferencesLine artDichotomies, false or trueEveryone else is a monster

Happy Friday

Father-Daughter beatboxing battle (No. 2)

Not only are they very talented, the joy on their faces is wonderful. And "What in the cottage cheese?" should enter your vocabulary.