The Dailies

Word of the Day

Synecdoche (n., sin-ECK-doe-KEY)

A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole. For example, when we say "all hands on deck", we don't want your hands on deck; we want the people with the hands too. The Dailies is a huge fan of synecdoche.

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsCatsBarriersHurdlesEasily cleared obstaclesEndlessly looping gifsAlternate ways to fall asleep

Link of the Day

Bear breaks into pie shop, leaves one pie

The Colorado Cherry Company sits a little outside of Boulder. The pie shop has been a Colorado staple for over thirty years. Last week, they had their rudest visitor.

A bear broke into the store over night, hopped on top of the ovens, and ate pies—LOTS of pies.

The bear ate 24 cherry pies and 14 apple pies.

Interestingly, the bear left one type of pie completely untouched: strawberry rhubarb. Everything else was taste tested.

The bear has apparently been around the business before. A neighbor took a picture and the Lehnerts believe it’s the same one that broke into their store overnight.

“Just devoured pies, sugar, cocoa and left a mess behind,” Lehnert said.


Outside the store there is a trail of sugar. And a clump of cherries.

“I’m looking for servers, so maybe if he wants to come back, because that’s talent to get two pies into the back yard,” Lehnert said.

One positive for the restaurant: in addition to the buzz from the news, they've also gotten some great new reviews out of it:

AnimalsBearsBeetsBattlestar GalacticaMmmm...PieAll-American bearsColoradoYelp