The Dailies

Word of the Day

Cadre (n., COD-druh)

A small group of people trained for a specific purpose. The term is rarely used because a) it's French and b) team is shorter, punchier, and more easily used in motivational sayings. Remember: there's no "I" in cadre but there is a "Cad."

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsDogsCorgisSwimming poolsJust passing throughSprayersQuick turnsEndless summer

Link of the Day

Hearing Colors

Neal Harbisson was born with achromatopsia, a rare condition that leaves people completely colorblind. But unlike the rest of us who see colors, Neal hears colors with the help of a special antenna:

Harbisson's comment about "I am technology" may sound a little unrealistic but is it that much of a stretch? The antenna is a really interesting way of addressing his condition and opens up some fascinating ideas.

ColorsTechnologyHearing is believingTaxisLimesFacesUnusual adaptations