The Dailies

Word of the Day

Barracoon (n., bahr-uh-KOOOOOOOOOON)

An enclosure where slaves or convicts were temporarily kept en route to a more final destination (no, not this final destination). Sadly, no raccoons are involved in barracoons.

Gif of the Day

Tags SoccerOk, fine, it's footballKidsKicksPerfect shotsPortalsDisproportionate reactionsBoom headshotConcussion protocolsYes, of course this is terrible, it is also funny

Link of the Day

Mike Love turns random sounds into full lyrics

*stretches* So where were we? Music, right?

Hawaiian reggae musician Mike Love does a pretty incredible thing in the the middle of his performance of "Permanent Holiday". At the 4:23 mark, he suddenly starts singning seemingly random sounds, looping them over top of each other. It takes some time to see what he's aiming for but trust us, it's worth it:

If this was just harmonizing, it would be good. If this included sampling, it would be better. But to have the precision to split the lyrics into syllables, sing them at exactly the right spots AND harmonize with them as it happens...that is mind-blowingly amazing. Serious, serious props.

MusicMike LoveReggaeHarmoniesSamplingCarefully built structuresWait for itHolidays