The Dailies

Word of the Day

Reticent (adj., RET-ih-zcent) don't really want to share this definition with you...sorry...

Gif of the Day

TagsMoviesPixarToy Story 2All together nowAutomatic doorsJump!To infinity and beyond!Faulted sensorsToy Barn

Link of the Day

14-year-old solves Rubik's Cube in 4.90 seconds

No, that is not a misprint. Four point nine oh seconds. It takes longer than that to tie your shoe or change a lightbulb, as Don Cheadle told us. But Lucas Etter, all of fourteen years of age, solved a Rubik's Cube (under official conditions) in 4.90 seconds to set a new world record:

The crazy thing is not how fast Eller is but how much cube solving times have dropped in the last decade. I had a friend at a summer camp around the turn of the millenium who was consistently able to solve Rubik's Cubes in about a minute. That was impressive. It's crazy that people are doing it in five stinkin' seconds or less. Crazy times, these waning days of 2015.

TagsRubik's CubeWorld RecordsPeople who are better than youTeenagersChildren's toysFive secondsBig Small Man On Campus