The Dailies

Word of the Day

Plenary (adj., PLEA-nerr-eee)

Full or complete. It's usually used in relation to meetings, distinguishing ones that are fully attended from ones that are not. Please note that this does not mean that the meeting itself is good; it just means that everyone's there.

Gif of the Day

TagsSurprisesPunchesTrash cansZombiesInstinctive reactionsInterviewsI immediately regret this decision

Link of the Day

Victor Borge's Phonetic Punctuation

For the end of Victor Borge week, we have three good choices. The Timid Pageturner routine, featuring his son, is a funny bit of comedy. And The Dance of the Comedians, a Cliff Notes for an opera, is also excellent. Both are worthy of a few minutes.

But today, to end, we'll feature a (mostly) non-comedic piece: Borge beautifully playing Debussy's Clair de Lune:

TagsMusicLanguageVictor BorgeDenmarkDebussyDead, you seeBeautiful renditions

Happy Friday

An underwear-clad Norwegian man clung to a speeding car's roof in freezing weather to stop a thief

If you've read the title and haven't clicked on the link, something is wrong.