The Dailies

Word of the Day

Contemn (v., cunn-TEMM)

To despise, loathe, hate the existence of, and slight, or what the pronunciation of this word does to its last letter

Gif of the Day

TagsIllusionsSpinning peopleClockwise or counterclockwiseNot ready for this, it's MondayWhy are the people in these illusions always women?

Link of the Day

Bill Wurtz's History of Japan

As a friend astutely pointed out this weekend, we study far more of European and western history than we do of Asian and eastern history. Perhaps the best place to start (for our 21st-century minds) is Bill Wurtz's amazing History of Japan:

Note: some adult language.

We're always game for new spins on old and/or boring information as well as cheeky things, and this certainly checks both boxes. There's a surprising amount of information packed into this—


—video. I'm not sure I'd recommend doing all history this way but it's certainly a great introduction.

TagsHistoryJapanVideoBill WurtzOld subjects made funnyLack of seriousnessShoguns