The Dailies

Word of the Day

Arrogate (v., air-a-GATE)

To take or claim something without justification, like when we say that our definitions are the best in the world.

Gif of the Day

TagsHumansVirtual reality21st-century lifeExpressionless facesNot sure whether to laugh or cryCan't stop won't stop

Link of the Day

Ice stacking on Lake Superior

Recently, Lake Superior had a weird, beautiful occurence. The ice plates on the lake moved and stacked onto each other, creating a jagged, beautiful line:

As amazing as the visuals are, the sound of the ice is what I notice most. Earlier this week, it rained. As it fell on the frozen leaves, the rain made a wonderful crackling sound, like you'd imagine an icy fire to be. The Lake Superior ice stacking makes a similarly interesting, calming sound.

And wow, what a visual too.

TagsVideoNatureLake SuperiorIce Ice BabyPiles of thingsSound and pictureOdd beauty

Happy Friday

Marines battle school children in a massive Nerf dart war