Word of the Day
Itinerant (adj./n., eye-TIN-err-ant)
Traveling from place to place, wandering around like Dion or driving all over the You-nited States.
Traveling from place to place, wandering around like Dion or driving all over the You-nited States.
Sometimes the headlines are sufficient. This would appear to be the case at first, but there's more than meets the eye. First, though, meet Rambo:
Rambo is a 15-year-old alligator who's spent the last 11 years of his life living in the home of Florida resident Mary Thorn. According to Thorn, Rambo spent the first four years of his life in a closet and thus can't spend too much time outside. Thorn has let Rambo stay in her house, dressing him up, letting him ride motorcycles, and giving him his own room.
But now, Rambo has grown too large, and Florida law requires him to reside on at least two-and-a-half acres of land. Thorn doesn't have the land, so her custody of Rambo is threatened.
The whole story is ridiculous but oddly compelling. Go read it.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!
AnimalsAlligatorsFlorida, of courseLight sensitivityInadvisable life choicesDress-up dolls