Word of the Day
Turbid (adj., TURR-bid)
Muddy from sediment being stirred up or in a state of turmoil. If you're writing pulp noir, turbid should be a go-to word: "It was a dark and turbid night. The water was turbid and unsettled."
Muddy from sediment being stirred up or in a state of turmoil. If you're writing pulp noir, turbid should be a go-to word: "It was a dark and turbid night. The water was turbid and unsettled."
Namibia has some of the lowest light pollution on Earth. In much of the land, the sun and stars are the only light sources. This, as well as its stark beauty, makes it a prime location for photographers.
Maciej Tomkow recently went to Namibia and came back with lots of beautiful time-lapse photography. Full screen and volume are best.
VideoLandscapesNamibiaStarsDesertTime lapse