The Dailies

Word of the Day

Daft (adj., DAFT)

Silly, foolish, or crazy. One dictionary says that a third definition is (for the Scots) frolicksome, which should tell you something about how Scotland likes to have fun.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsTarsiersMy, what big eyes you haveRadar dish earsAdorablenessAdmit it, your heart just meltedBooking trip to Philippines, brb

Link of the Day

Jetsprint boat run

Jetsprint boat racing involves small boats, high speeds, and ninety-degree turns. Does that sounds crazy? It totally is:

If you want to see an even better picture of how crazy this is, check out the first-person POV. The hand you see belongs the navigator.

TagsBoatsNeed for speedInsanely fast turnsPeople who are better than youThings I never want to do