Word of the Day
Filigree (n., fill-uh-GREE)
A delicate, intricate, ornamental design, especially in metalwork (especially gold) or drawing (especially wedding invitations).
A delicate, intricate, ornamental design, especially in metalwork (especially gold) or drawing (especially wedding invitations).
Blue Origin is trying to build reusable spacecraft. They just released video showing one of their booster rockets descending to earth (from about 220,000 ft) and landing on the launch pad:
Sometimes, you just need to look up at the heavens and get some perspective. Sometimes, you just need to be amazed that something complex works perfectly. Sometimes, you just need to be still and marvel.
VideosScienceSpace, the final frontierFrom the earth to the earthRinse, recycle, reuseFaster, Better, CheaperOnboard cameras
Survey time! Which of the following things do you think will occur when this man starts singing?
1. The penguins start singing in tune
2. A predator eats a penguin onscreen
3. A penguin starts pecking the singer's hand
4. Space monster Zorp appears and begins wreaking havoc (just making sure you were paying attention)
5. Idk, I'm not playing your game