The Dailies

Word of the Day

Bucolic (adj., boo-CAWL-ick)

Relating to the countryside, rural areas, shepherds, or rustic, quiet areas. Where we go to get away. Note: has nothing to do with colic.

Gif of the Day

TagsCoachesReactionsShockHorrorNear-faintingStumbling and fallingHands on headOh noes

Link of the Day

Robots that use chainsaws and throw cinder blocks

A two-for-one special today. First, this robot uses a chainsaw to make a stool:

For those of you who like their robots even more dangerous, check out the robot that tosses cinder blocks over its shoulder:

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. Please do not throw cinder blocks at me.

TagsVideoRobotsChainsawsCinder blocksStoolsWhen the robots become self-aware, I'm blaming you

Happy Friday

Chicken EDM

For those of you who don't know, EDM = Electronic Dance Music. It can be recreated with rubber chickens.