The Dailies

Word of the Day

Behoove (v., bee-HOOHV)

To be necessary or a responsibility of someone. By using an uncommon word, it behooves us to write a definition, no matter how awkward it may be.

Gif of the Day

TagsTVCommunityAbedCoolCatchphrasesBow ties are cool

Link of the Day

10 Minute Mail

Single-focus websites are like a right-angle drill bit: you won't need it in 99% of all situations but it makes those crazy 1% of situations much, much easier.

10 Minute Mail is a great example of this. It's a website that generates secure temporary email addresses for you to use if you need to sign up for a site that you don't trust with your information. It's an easy way to gain access but not lose your privacy—not something you'll always be doing but essential when you need it.

TagsWebsitesSingle-focus sitesEmailTemporary thingsPrivacyThis email will self-destruct in 10 minutes