The Dailies

Word of the Day

Craw (n., KRAW)

An animal's stomach or digestive organ. Something that sticks in one's craw is a lingering source of irritation and bitterness. No comment about the crawfish.

Gif of the Day

TagsTV ShowsScrubsDancingHigh-steppingWorking hard or hardly working

Link of the Day

Justino - Christmas ad

The "Christmas ad" is more of a European concept than an American one. The ads are more like short films than overt ads, telling a story instead of advancing a store or product. If you see a lot of them, you can get accustomed to the emotional beats but sometimes, the craftsmanship and story stands out. "Justino," from Spain, is one of them.

That is some gorgeous animation in service of an excellent little story. Who knew working in a mannequin factory could be so fun?

TagsVideoChristmasShortsJustinoMannequinsWhich one is Hayden Christensen?