The Dailies

Word of the Day

Magniloquence (n., mag-NILL-oh-kwentz)

Use of hifalutin languange, not the language of the people. The kind of person who'd say "polysyllabic" because it had five syllables, not because it was needed.

Gif of the Day

TagsLittle peopleToddlersEntry/exitOh noes!Quick turnaroundsTurn left, then turn left/span>

Link of the Day

Feisty pets

If you need a Christmas present for someone who has a sense of humor or a love of cute animals (both do not need to be present), these Feisty Pets are absolutely fantastic ideas:

Fantastic. This being the internet age, people have had all kinds of fun with them. Bravo, people.

TagsAnimalsPetsFeisty thingsIt's so fluffy!Man's best friend...until it's notI'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so...scared!