Word of the Day
Smithereens (n., SMITH-urr-eeeeenz)
Itty-bitty pieces. Not five easy ones. LOTS of little ones. REALLY small ones. Also, a cult legend power pop band from New Jersey (not to be misread as "Springsteens").
Itty-bitty pieces. Not five easy ones. LOTS of little ones. REALLY small ones. Also, a cult legend power pop band from New Jersey (not to be misread as "Springsteens").
Oh, this is needed. Someone has built a Chrome plugin that takes all the clickbait hyperbolic headlines and tones them down to normal language. As an example:
"Literally" becomes "Figuratively"
"Will Blow Your Mind" becomes "Might Perhaps Mildly Entertain You For a Moment"
"Go Viral" becomes "Be Overused So Much That You'll Silently Pray for the Sweet Release of Death to Make it Stop
This is literally the greatest thing that could be done to online "journalism." It's sort of the reverse of the Victor Borge "Inflationary language" comedy sketch we featured on here a year ago. In any event, it's much needed and will totally blow your mind. You will not believe what happens.
Web pluginsFighting clickbaitProper languageLiterallyThe greatest thing everGoin' down, down down