The Dailies

Word of the Day

Obsequious (adj., ub-SEE-kwee-us)

Excessively obedient to an uncomfortable, unhealthy degree. The toady, suck-up, teacher's pet, or yes man.

Gif of the Day

TagsChildrenNinja movesRun away! Run away!ChickensShows of forceReversal!

Link of the Day

Big Secret - laser woodburning

BIG SECRET uses LASERS to make lots of FUN stuff out of wood, paper, acrylic, glass, food, and more.

That quote adorns the "About" page for Big Secret, a Richmond-based art company. Their art is pretty cool (as you might guess from LASERS):

Want. That's some high-quality design behind the coolness of LASERS burning things. You can view the rest of their portfolio on their website.

TagsArtWood-burningDesignLASERSBig SecretFanciness

Happy Friday

Luke Kelly and the Dubliners - Black Velvet Band