The Dailies

Word of the Day

Rapprochement (n., rah-prosh-MAHN)

The re-establishment of cordial relations, especially in international relations, or reconciliation. Sending things back to the era of good feelings (until the next kerfuffle).

Gif of the Day

TagsHome improvementBookcasesFailTimber!!!Atlas shrugged?

Link of the Day


Stop what you're doing. This is literally the most important thing we've ever featured on The Dailies. It will blow your mind.

Downworthy is a Chrome extension that dials down the hyperbole in clickbaity internet headlines into a normal tone. Take this example:

This Guy Was Exploring His Grandpa’s Attic. What He Found Is Mysteriously Awesome…Whoa.

In an era of overstatement, nondiscriminating reading, and shoddy journalism, Downworthy is worth a look. Go see for yourself.

TagsExtensionsInternetSo you knowLITERALLYKnocking down a pegBad journalismShots fired?