Word of the Day
Ombré (adj., om-BRAY)
Having colors that gradually transition into each other from light to dark, like a gradient. Not a dude.
Having colors that gradually transition into each other from light to dark, like a gradient. Not a dude.
The always excellent Lore Wilbert had an interesting reflection on her recent attempt to separate from the internet publishing machines that dominate content. Her goal, as she put it, was "to listen to the folks who were just going about their days, practicing quiet faithfulness in a world gone rogue." What she found surprised her:
I expected to find monotony and boredom, wondered what people were writing about when they weren't trying to get hits or likes or link-backs or their fifteen seconds of fame. I expected to find simplicity, deep thoughts, and intentionality, but I didn't expect to find joy.
It's pretty brilliant what you find when you're not waiting for applause or note or double taps. You begin to find joy in the way the sun coming through the curtain hits the wall not just one day, but every day thereafter. You're amazed by it day after day. You pay attention to the ombre of an overwatered leaf and to the cadence of a sentence and not just the content—and in these, you begin to find joy.
You can read the article—and more of Lore's excellent, joyful work—at Sayable.
WritingJoyQuiet faithfulnessLore WilbertMedia dietSmall detailsFeasting or fasting?