Word of the Day
Withering (adj., WITH-urr-ing)
Intense and scorching. Devastating. Often used in relation to a wind or a look (the opposite of Magnum).
Intense and scorching. Devastating. Often used in relation to a wind or a look (the opposite of Magnum).
The Academic recently performed their song "Bear Claws" on Facebook Live—but with a twist. Facebook Live has a short delay between when you go live and when something actually is live. THe Academic used this to build a looped, layered version of the song:
We rearranged each instrument on “Bear Claws” to fit Facebook Live’s delay, with each loop getting more complex, adding instruments, rhythms, and melodies. Additionally, by projecting the video live from a soundstage we created an infinite tunnel consisting of all the previously recorded loops.
This is hands-down one of the cleverest videos we've ever seen. Bravo, guys.
Also, if you're interested in hearing how different the original was, here's the video:
MusicThe AcademicLoopsPast, present, futureHere it goes again?