The Dailies

Word of the Day

Inveterate (adj., in-VET-er-et)

Firmly long-established and unlikely to change. Institutionalized, perhaps (though hopefully not in the medical sense). Deeply rooted to the point of intractability. The way things have been and are always going to be. A dystopian YA novel government is the best example, but the New York Knicks being a disaster is another solid candidate.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimationMusicAnimalsEran MendelEndlessly looping gifsBoucing?

Link of the Day

A Japanese town that grows rice art

In a normal October, we'd be well into corn maze season, but this being the endless summer, we do not have them. Instead, let's enjoy the incredible rice art created by farmers in the Japanese town of Inadakate:

That is some impressive planned economics. And to think they do this each year! If you thought that crop circles were good, this just takes it up a new level. Your move, aliens.

TagsArtFoodRiceJapanThe long, hard, stupid wayGo communism?