Word of the Day
Elated (adj., ee-LAY-ted)
Extremely happy and joyful, like everyone on a Friday or Ren and Stimpy dancing.
Extremely happy and joyful, like everyone on a Friday or Ren and Stimpy dancing.
KidsPower WheelsPopping the handbrakeWheeeeStyling for the ladiesI live my life a quarter driveway at a time?
A few years ago, Matthew Lee Anderson started playing basketball with in the park in Waco, Texas. Here, he made a number of friends outside his normal academic circles. One of them was Zach. Zach bounced back and forth in prison, and Anderson got to see the effects of prison on a family and a community firsthand.
Anderson is currently organizing a community barbeque for the families of inmates in the Waco prison. The interesting wrinkle is that local law enforcement will be serving the food to the families at prison property. Social services will also be in attendance. Anderson's hope, as he stated in a podcast we'll embed below, is to bring law enforcement face to face with the effects of their use of just authority and also to encourage families to visit a loved one in jail and become aware of what social services are available. Since it will be about 1,000 people, Anderson needs to raise money for the project.
This is a really cool project. It's a charity event that aims to make things more messy and complex for a community even as it does good, which is a worthwhile goal. Check out the project and donate to it or listen to Anderson's interview about the project's origins, goals, and challenges.
BarbequeWacoPrisonInversionsHelp neededTo the least of these