The Dailies

Word of the Day

Euphemism (n., YOU-fuh-MIZZ-em)

A word or phrase that's substituted for another when the original is going to be harsh, blunt, potentially offensive, or embarrassing. Perhaps the two most common ones are "to pass away" and some variation on...the name for a place where bodily functions happen. We'd think of more, but we're a bit mentally challenged at this point.

Gif of the Day

TagsSelfieShimmyHeyyyyyI'm on a boatStrategically included lightswitches?

Link of the Day

Sleep Like The Dead

"Always put money in the things that come between you and the ground: shoes, desk chairs, car tires, and mattresses." It's surprising, sound advice. But how do you know which of those items to buy? Shoes and desk chairs are written up in many places online, but mattresses can be fairly personal decisions:

Sleep Like The Dead fills this need. It's a website reviewing all things sleep, from mattresses to white noise machines. It's a simple, no-frills website design, but that allows the quality of the data to show through. For instance, each mattress company is rated on twenty-four categories for its mattresses, capturing everything from odor to support to its suitability for different types of sleepers and body types. Then, each company itself is rated in ten categories, allowing you to get a sense of how trustworthy each company is.

Sleep Like The Dead is the most helpful buying guide we've seen for one of the more important purchases you'll make. Go check it out.

TagsWebsitesMattressesSleep5.2 from the Russian judgeBut I thought the dead don't speak? Who's rating these products?