Word of the Day
Puer Aeternus (n., POOH-err eh-TURR-nuss)
The "eternal boy," someone who doesn't/won't grow up emotionally and stays at an adolescent level into physical adulthood. Peter Pan is not quite the thing but close enough for usefulness.
The "eternal boy," someone who doesn't/won't grow up emotionally and stays at an adolescent level into physical adulthood. Peter Pan is not quite the thing but close enough for usefulness.
ChickensDramatic zoomWatTFW you realize that you're on candid cameraTFW you realize that someone's livestreaming that candid cameraTFW you realize that you didn't comb your hair that morning?
NASA has released a 4K video tour of the moon, shot with images from its new Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. It's pretty breathtaking. Have a look:
VideoNASAThe MoonToursYou spin me right roundBut where's Elon Musk?