The Dailies

Word of the Day

Eidetic (adj., eye-DETT-ick)

Having an extraordinarily detailed visual recollection of something. The best example recently is probably Lebron James recapping a three-minute stretch of game action perfectly.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsCatsNesting dollsBack and forth+1My, what large eyes you have?

Link of the Day

Coke Machine Glow - Neko Case: Fox Confessor Brings the Flood

Neko Case never makes simple, easy music. There are always jagged edges, wrinkles, unexpected turns, and a fieriness that threateans to eat you if you get too comfortable with it/her. Case's big breakthrough was 2006's Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, which has endured as one of the seminal alt-country albums. Despite the feel of the music, there's a lot going on in the lyrics, which Scott Reid pulls out at one of the best music reviews we've read:

With Fox Confessor, Case has made a conscious attempt to let her words lead each of these songs—not her voice, or the century’s worth of American popular music she taps to bring these gothic fairy tales to life, or the huge cast of collaborators who make that possible. Of course they’re all part of why I think this stands as one of her best records yet. But focus too much on just the music and it’s easy to overlook its decidedly subordinate role here. It’s not that Case’s songwriting has grown lazy and these songs are short because she couldn’t be bothered to finish them; they’re short because she’s opting for brevity to stress an all-powerful message that’s determinative of everything: atmosphere, pace, intensity, tone, cover art, hair style. The subtle refocus means a different kind of record, not just a shorter and slower retread of her last three, and certainly not a collection of lazy Patsy Cline covers. It deserves a hell of a lot more credit than that.

Go read the whole thing at Coke Machine Glow. (Note: just as Case's album is not entirely tame, Reid's review includes some adult language.)

TagsMusicNeko CaseFox Confessor Brings the FloodCoke Machine GlowReviewsRedheads represent?