The Dailies

Word of the Day

Oubliette (n., OOB-lee-et)

A dungeon with a secret trapdoor in its ceiling.

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John's Friendly Market

"What are you going to miss about your hometown?"

The Dailies is moving in a week, out of the town we've been in for 30 years. It's been a bit hectic, and we haven't had time to think of a good answer to this question when it's been asked. I'm not sure there is a good answer, either. The things we'll miss are more the memories and people. But there are a number of things from the town and the area that we've appreciated and will miss. We're going to feature some of them this week.

The first is John's Friendly Market, a long-running corner store. John's is the kind of store you wish your town had. Not only does it have pretty near every kind of food item you're looking for, it's always lived up to its name with friendly, generous employees. The founder, John Johnson, was a fixture, always sitting in his chair with a red blazer on, waiting to talk to anyone who wanted to stop by. John has since passed away, but the chair and the blazer are still in the store.

A few years ago, DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan wrote a children's book about John's Friendly Market called "Grandpa's Corner Store":

Whenever I think of my town, John's Friendly Market is one of the first things I remember. It'll be one of the first things I miss.

TagsJohn's Friendly MarketLocal FavoritesGrocery StoresDown on the CornerHaddon HeightsTrail Blazers?