Word of the Day
Peccadillo (n., PECK-uh-DILL-oh)
A small, relatively minor sin, the kind that you want to bring up at confession and is often missed.
A small, relatively minor sin, the kind that you want to bring up at confession and is often missed.
SpaghettiUr doing it wrongOK BAIDon't try this at home, kids, we're professionalsI have questionsTossed spaghetti?
These series of images from Asawin Tejasakulsin of LEGOs invading real life in unique ways are absolutely charming:
Tejasakulsin created two sets of images, "Imagine" and "Build the Future", which you can see at his Behance site.
LEGOAdvertisingBreaking the fourth wallMoby Dick, King Kong, SmaugAsawin TejasakulsinWhere's John Lennon?