The Dailies

Word of the Day

Aught (n., AWT)

Anything or the number zero. Literally, it's a word meaning anything or nothing, and it's not even "jawn."

Gif of the Day

TagsTVHow I Met Your MotherStaresSo AngryZoom InEpic showdowns?

Link of the Day

Simone Giertz's Every Day Calendar

Simone Giertz is largely known on the internet for making machines that do their job very badly. However, her new Kickstarter is something that's very useful and interesting:

Giertz not only is putting out an interesting product, she's doing some interesting design tricks with it too. (The Kickstarter page has details on those.) It's no surprise the project has proved as popular as it has.

To see more about the project or back it, head over to Kickstarter.

TagsKickstarterPatternsSimone GiertzThe long, hard, stupid wayDay by dayHexagons are the new stars?