The Dailies

Word of the Day

Chagrin (n., shuh-GRIN)

A sense of embarrassment or unease arising from failing or disappointing. You know the "screaming internally" memes? Or the photo of Mitt Romney having dinner with Donald Trump? That.

Gif of the Day

More details on this terrific image and an option to download at Laughing Squid.

TagsAnimationPlanetsThe Solar System is so huMANgus bigLike a record, baby, right roundTilt and whirl?

Link of the Day

Octopus cut from a single piece of paper

We're a sucker for this kind of art, but man, this is good:

A single piece of paper. One.

And all the intricacies of cutting it for effect.

Full marks, Masayo Fukuda. You can see more of her work here.

TagsPaperChiaroscuroOctopusWe made a pun and you didn't even realize itEight times better?

Happy Friday

Underage trumpeter plays through the window

Kid, I'd do the same thing too.