Word of the Day
Manifold (adj./n., MAN-ih-fold)
Many or varied, or a pipe that has several openings that go into different places. Kinda like junction, but more about the possibilities and less about the coming together.
Many or varied, or a pipe that has several openings that go into different places. Kinda like junction, but more about the possibilities and less about the coming together.
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Recently, musicians have worked together with graphic designers to create gig posters for every city they're playing a show in. The posters are a cool way to drum up interest in the show and provide a memorable keepsake. DKNG Studios and Rockets Are Red are two of our favorite gigposter designers.
This practice has expanded out to sports. The Portland Trail Blazers basketball team started doing it this year for each home game, and the posters are excellent:
The New York Times has a writeup (with photos) about the posters, and the Trail Blazers' website shows all the posters.
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