The Dailies

Word of the Day

Delude (v., dih-LOOD)

To mislead or fool someone. Aren't you glad we used this word now and not next Mon—er, Tuesday?

Gif of the Day

TagsWait for itFailMouseSo closeHouse of mouseTalk to the hand?

Link of the Day

Juan Fontanive's animated flipbooks of birds chasing nectar

These flipbooks by Juan Fontanive have some interesting details: they were started over a decade ago when he was an art student and draw from 18th and 19th-century natural history illustrations. But mainly, the endless loop of them is wonderful:

You can see more of Fontanive's animations and work at his website.

TagsJuan FontaniveBirdsFlipboksNectar from the sourceWhat's old is new againHmm, bird?