The Dailies

Word of the Day

Palaver (n./v., puh-LAHV-ur)

To jabber for a while but in a way that does nothing except waste time and go nowhere, like you might get sucked into when the guy next to you in line at the movie theater decides he wants to tell you the REAL reason why he's been waiting his entire life to see the movie that he's currently refusing to advance in line to buy a ticket and go see at this very minute because clearly he just wants to make your life a miserable Kafkaesque existence.

Gif of the Day

TagsPlatypusRunningWaddling, maybeGramatticaly incorrectPainY'all don't want none with the Bison?

Link of the Day

European Gull Screeching Championship

If you read those four words above and wondered what in the Sam Helsinki this was, you are not alone. I think the video can stand on its own:

Look, I am willing to grant that this takes skill. But you cannot have a video with THAT thumbnail image and demand to be taken seriously. But that's exactly what they're trying to do. The competition—in its first year—was formed in an attempt to change some of the public sentiment towards the seagull. The interviewer mercifully started with the question of "what's the point" and ended with this exchange:

Interviewer: Now I live in Rome, Italy, which is a city not far from the seaside. And it has a major garbage pickup crisis. So I wake up every morning at about four o'clock in the morning to the sound of gulls — which, to me, sounds like howling cats. The charms of their cries have eluded me so far. What am I missing? How can you convince me to to embrace the seagull cry?

Yeah, OK. You live near a place like that. Maybe that's different.

I'm not living so close to a dumpsite, but ... I don't even notice very often when I'm here, for instance, in Ostend — where I work along the coastline — we have these kind of calls throughout the day.

And I don't bother about that, it's just part of the environment. Maybe we have forgotten to appreciate the environment.

And so, maybe just open your mind.

You can read more about the competition you'll never want to go to over at the CBC.

TagsCompetitionsBirdsSeagullsWHYYou wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?See gull competition, run?